Ray Service has joined the Whistleblowing project (in the Czech Republic under the name of a whistleblowing platform called NNTB). NNTB serves as an anonymous hotline, helping employees and the public to confide in the obstacles they encounter during work or cooperation. We undertake to investigate all such notifications and to rectify such objectionable situations.
There are several possible uses of the platform. Usually, employees or the public can send suggestions for improvements or use NNTB to notify us of issues that affect them or even their colleagues. That can include workplace bullying (mobbing, bossing, staffing, sexual harassment, etc.), discrimination, unpleasant work atmosphere, non-compliance with occupational health and safety and company regulations or guidelines, theft, fraud, property or reputation damage, damage to colleagues’ property, mental health issues (depression, anxiety, burnout, etc.), or even physical violence.
You can send us suggestions via this link: https://www.upozorneni.nntb.cz/en-gb/create
You can also use the mobile app NENECH TO BÝT powered by FaceUp available on Google Play and the App Store to communicate. The access code for submitting a suggestion is: 03sjepcgqm
How does NNTB work?
NNTB is anonymous if the whistleblower choses so by ticking the button in the notification form. Your messages go directly to the person responsible for solving such cases who take care of solving the matter. The advantage of NNTB is that you do not have to create an account but we are still able to respond to your anonymous request without any problems and actively deal with the issue.